Saturday Show Schedule
When Crystal Palace FC play a home fixture kicking off at 3pm the following shows will be broadcast.
Midnight-9am: Non-stop Music Mix
9am-10am: The Golden Hour
11am-12noon: Palace Radio Brunch with Chris Humphris, Rebecca Prout and Andreas G. Wood
12noon-1pm: The Palace Radio News Hour with John Burgess, James Daly & Ian King
1pm-2pm: The Old One Two with James O'Reilly, Ian Hart & Keith Jeffcoat
2pm-3pm: Big Match Countdown: Team News with Clive Bowden, Nick Macdonald, & Trevor Hayes
3pm-5pm: The Big Match Live Full Commentary from Eamonn Marren & Darryl Murdoch
5pm-6pm: Reaction to the Action with Bill Relyea & Chris Green
6pm-7pm: The Golden Hour
7pm-Midnight: Non-Stop Music Mix
Midweek Show Schedule
When Crystal Palace FC play a home fixture kicking off at 7:45pm/8pm the following shows will be broadcast.
Midnight - 3pm: Non-Stop Music Mix
3pm-4pm: The Golden Hour
4pm-6pm: The Eagles Drive-Time
6pm-7pm: The Palace Radio News Hour with John Burgess, James Daly & Ian King
7pm-8pm: Big Match Countdown: Team News with Clive Bowden, Nick Macdonald, & Trevor Hayes
8pm-10pm: The Big Match Live Full Commentary from Eamonn Marren & Darryl Murdoch
10pm-11pm: Reaction to the Action with Bill Relyea & Chris Green
11pm-Midnight: Non-Stop Music Mix